High-Efficiency Toilets: Types And Selection Tips

27 January 2023
 Categories: , Blog

Toilets that use little water to flush waste help to conserve water and minimize utility bills. These high-efficiency toilets come in different types. Below is a review of some toilets, plus tips on choosing one. 

Types of High-efficiency Toilets 

High-efficiency toilets use different technologies. Below are some of these technologies.

Dual Flush

Dual flush toilets provide you with two flushing options, one with a higher flush volume than the other. The higher-volume flush is for solid wastes since they usually require a lot of water to flush. The lower-volume flush is for liquid wastes. The dual flush means you don't have to use the same water volume every time you flush the toilet, thus saving water.

Pressure Assist

Pressure-assist toilets feature a pressure tank inside the main toilet tank. Water supply pressure compresses the air inside the tank. Whenever you flush the toilet, the pressurized air forces the water into the toilet bowl at a higher-than-normal speed. The forceful flush means you don't need as much water to flush waste as you would need with non-pressurized toilets.

Cyclone or Tornado

Cyclone and tornado toilets do not have numerous openings along the toilet rim. The cyclone has a couple of holes, and the tornado has three holes. The limited holes pressurize the water and force it into the bowl faster than normal. The holes' design forces water into the bowl in a cyclone or tornado motion. The pressure forces the waste down and cleans the toilet. 

Choosing a High-efficiency Toilet

The above examples are just a few of the high-efficiency toilets, and the selections can be overwhelming. Here are some tips to help you select the most appropriate one for your house.

Industry Certification

Toilets come in various makes and models. Some are more efficient than others. Consider industry certifications before settling on a specific toilet. For example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a WaterSense label for toilets with low water volumes but still clean efficiently.


Check reviews of different toilets to confirm that they perform as advertised. The reviews can also help you know common problems with different toilet brands, plus ways to avoid them.

Flush Volume

The flush volume is the water volume a toilet uses per flush. High-efficiency toilets have low flush volumes, but some are lower than others. Compare the flush volumes and settle on whichever you are comfortable with.

Talk to your plumbing contractor for further assistance in understanding different toilet technologies. The contractor should also help you install the toilet for the best performance.

Contact a company like True Plumbing, LLC to learn more.
